
Offline players Claimed lands

Hi, it happened to me multiple times (before reset as well as after reset) that I'm trying to extend my claim buy I can not because someone else's claimed land comes in between. Worst part is, that person is offline for a long time, now if it would have been some online player who occasionally plays, we could simple mail them and ask them if they help us with current situation and see how it goes but person is offline and doesn't play anymore, what are we supposed to do in that situation! So my suggestion is, Please add specific time period for being offline, and if you don't come online in that time period then you'll lose all your claimed land. This way people will come online more often even just for couple of minutes but for the sake of their claims they'll come online at least. And kindly don't add like 3 months period, add some reasonable amount of time, maybe one month max in my opinion. Thank you.

#10307 - Status: closed

7 months ago by Woboozki for Improvements

Answer: Closed

Claims for inactive users would expire but only after some time has passed:

ChestClaimDays: 7
UnusedClaimDays: 14
- DaysInactive: 60
- ExceptWhenOwnerHasTotalClaimBlocks: 10000
- ExceptWhenOwnerHasBonusClaimBlocks: 5000

7 months ago by Dieu