Combat Time And /fix all,/pv Abuse

There Should Be A Combat Time In Creative.

All The Staff Don't Pay Attention To Creative, It Does Not Have a Combat Time And Every One Can Instant Teleport
Its Not A Big Suggestion. And The Staff Of ExtremeCraft Take Creative Non Seriously. In Creative There's Also PvP Its The Same Pvp As the Pvp In Prison Or
Survival. EveryOne Abuses The /p h Command And The Rank'ed Players Who Can Instant Tp use /pvp etc.... And The Ranked Players With A Rank
Legend or Above Can Abuse /fix all, /pv 1 and get sets from it.... It Is Very Unfair and Makes The Gamemode Pay To Win.

#6720 - Status: accepted

3 years ago by Marcalis for Commands

Answer: Accepted

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! We're happy to inform you that your submission has been accepted and will be live from the next restart tomorrow morning

3 years ago by NxDs